Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Angelito By Aventura

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Learn Spanish With Aventura

Angelito / Little Angel

Hasta en un sueno Tus deseos intenté yo complacer
Even in my dreams I tried to please you
Por ti la luna alcancé
Because of you, I reached the moon
Y en mi jornada un angelito me encontre
And in my journey, I met an angel
Me vio muy triste
he saw me very sad
Supo que perdi la fe
he knew I lost faith
En mi sueno no vi un rostro
In my dream I didn't see his face
Solo lo escuchaba hablar
I only listened to him talk
Me daba catedra de amor y al escuchar
He was giving me a lecture on love and upon listening
Ansiosamente le empezaba a reclamar
anxiously I began to demand
Cual es la clave para que me puedes amar?
What is the key to make you love me?
Primero me dijo que es un pecado
First, he told me that it is a crime 
Pensar solo en ti
to think only of you
Segundo que no puedo ni debo aunque quiero
Second  that I should not, although I want to 
dar la vida por ti
give my life for you
Tercero que mi destino en el amor
Third that my destiny in love
Corre peligro. Me adviertir de ti
is in danger. He warned me of you
Y cuarto que un exclavo en el amor
And fourth that a slave to love
Le pisotean el corazon
gets his heart trampled
Que aquel que ama pero no demuestra
That he who loves but doesn't show 
Todo el carino se prepara para un desliz
all his affection can prepare for a fall.
El amor es lo mas raro que ha podido existir
Love is the most odd thing that can exist 
Quien de ti se enamoro
The one who loves you 
Lo mas probable ni le pones atencion
is the one most likely to not pay attention to you
Y otra persona le das una flor,una poesia
and another person, you give flowers and poems
Entregas tu corazon
you give up your heart
Y si ocurre una desilusion
and disappointment is what happens
Pierdes la esencia y la fe en el amor
you lose the essence and the faith of love
Esta noche quiero volver a sonar
Tonight I want to return to dream
A ver si aprendo algo mas
to see if I learn something more
Y que me salga ese angelito tan divino
and perhaps that so divine little angle comes for me
Que me ha venido aconsejar
let him come to counsel me


Aconsejar: to advice 
Ansiosamente: anxiously 
Catedra: professorship
Complacer: to please 
Cuarto: fourth 
Desliz: a fall, a slip 
Jornada: journey
Reclamar: to demand
Rostro: face 
Tercero: third

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